Monday, April 09, 2012

I Was Looking...

up some punk music the other day and I came across one of the original and greatest punk bands of all time, The Clash. What an amazing band and their music makes me want to dance and get a tattoo all at the same time. Lol!
"Rock The Casbah" is my favorite song by them .  A lot of right wing conservatives are under the impression that this song is inspired by their beliefs but it's really inspired by punk values! Listen to the lyrics and see for yourself.- Makka (Waiting For Love).

Thursday, March 08, 2012

"Unexpected Love" Chapter 11

This is what I hope will be the second to last chapter of "Unexpected Love". Be on the lookout for the next one soon. Enjoy!- Makka (Waiting For Love).

Wednesday, March 07, 2012

"Unexpected Love" Chapter 10

Here's chapter 10! I know it's been a long time coming.- Makka (Waiting For Love).

Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Elle Varner...

a curly girl with a raspy voice. I stubbled on her at the Black Girls Rock event and then stubbled across her song "Only Wanna Give It To You". Love the video more than the song. It's so colorful! Hehe!

Friday, September 09, 2011

What Has Makka...

been up to lately? The thing is if I tried to answer that question I would have you here all day. Let's just say I've been busy, stressed, and, as usual, waiting.
I can't believe that it will be almost a year since I started this blog. I really didn't get to keep up with Writings of a Waiting Lover because my computer self destructed and I couldn't get to the library as often as I wanted to. I never thought I'd still be writing Unexpected Love almost a year later. I imagined I would be done with it by now and writing some other stories.
I just knew I would be published on Literotica by now. But they kept denying the first chapter of Unexpected Love because of something they called "character voice errors" (shrugging shoulders). I haven't got to edit Unexpected Love for the "voice errors" yet. And I probably won't be able to for at least a couple of months. But I am determined to become published on Literotica. But just know that Unexpected Love will appear differently on Literotica than it will on this blog, Valent Chamber, or The Sweetest Taboo (TST) Forum.
Speaking of the TST, I just became a new member about a month ago. I really love the forum and try to visit as often as I can. I haven't posted Unexpected Love on there yet. I want to wait until I finish the story and then I'll post it all on TST. So if anyone is a member on TST look for me over there. My username is waitingforlove90.
My updates on Valent Chamber have been going awesome! I love all the feedback I have been getting from my readers over there. Unexpected Love has been getting a lot of postive feedback and has a five star rating! YAY!!
I'll keep you all updated on my stories and will definitely write more this year than I did this past year. Not just stories and music but things about me, Makka. I wish you all the best and can't wait to continue growing as a writer with you all.

Thank you!- Makka (Waiting For Love).

"Unexpected Love" Chapter 9

Here it is, Chapter 9! It's already posted on Valent Chamber too. This chapter is dedicated to Rick. Enjoy!-
Makka (Waiting For Love).

Friday, August 26, 2011

My Ipod Hates Me...

for playing this song over and over again. I don't know what it is about Foster The People but their music just turns me on! LOL!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Song I'm Jamming To...

is this new one by Cee Lo Green. Not as classic as "Fuck You" but still in a league of it's own. Cee Lo is fast becoming a legend in my book!

Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Song I've Just Listened To...

is this one by Lil' Wayne called "Prom Queen". A member at Valent Chamber said "Unexpected Love" reminds her of this song. After I listened to it, I had to agree with her. Give it a listen for yourself, the lyrics seem to match up perfectly with the story.

Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Apparently Adele...

is still waiting for love too. This song reminds me of Rick and Marva. So I dedicate this to them.-Makka (Waiting For Love).

"Unexpected Love" Chapter 8

It's a short chapter but it speaks volumes.-Makka (Waiting For Love)

"Unexpected Love" Chapter 7

Here is the seventh chapter of "Unexpected Love". Glad to finally be putting it up!-Makka (Waiting For Love)

Thursday, July 28, 2011

"Unexpected Love" Chapter 6

The sixth installment of "Unexpected Love"! Hope you guys enjoy!- Makka (Waiting For Love)

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

"Unexpected Love" Chapter 5

The much anticipated chapter 5! Enjoy!

I'm Back...

Finally!!! It's been too long my friends and I am so sorry about the loooonnnnggggg wait. But I finally got half of my computer problems fixed and out of the way. I can still update stories and write new ones while I fix the other half of my computer problems!
And guess what? I got a new chapter of "Unexpected Love" for you today!-Makka (Waiting For Love).

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Long Time...

since you last heard from me. I am soooooo sorrrrryyyyy!!!!! But I still haven't been able to get my computer headache fixed yet. But when I do I'll be back for good! I have a lot of things going on right now besides my computer, mostly work and looking after my Mom, so I'm pretty preoccupied. When it all gets sorted out which will be soon (I promise), the rest of "Unexpected Love" will be up including new stories.
But for right now I wanted to share with you a song by Train "Hey Soul Sister". I've been a Train fan for years but this song is by far my favorite from them. Give it a good listen :)

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Happy New Year...

And no, I'm not dead. I'm still having computer problems that will be resolved soon. As soon as its fixed I will have the remaining chapters of "Unexpected Love" up asap. That I promise! It's killing me that I can't get it up to you right now though.- Makka (Waiting for Love).

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Been Writing...

But been having some computer problems. Once I get that sorted out, I'll post the next chapters of "Unexpected Love" asap. Sorry about the wait :(, I'll be back soon.